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Facility Rentals

Facility Rentals

Lexington's gym, soccer field, auditorium, and cafeteria are available for rental by community organizations during times when the school is not using them. To request use of our facilities, please click here and complete the Google form. Facility requests should be submitted a minimum of three weeks prior to the desired date. 

Please allow ten business days for a reply to your request. We may need to contact you for more information. We also need to make sure your request does not conflict with school use. Please be mindful that we cannot provide the types of services that are available from a professional catering or special events facility. 

Organizations must provide proof of current liability insurance, with a minimum of $750,000 general liability and $1,000,000 umbrella liability, with Lexington School for the Deaf, 25-26 75th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 as the additional named insured on the policy, prior to using our facilities.

Lexington school events supersede the use of the facility by any outside groups. If we need to cancel a rental, we will attempt to provide an alternative date. Our first priority is always our academic, athletic, and extracurricular programs. 

List of 5 items.

  • Procedures for Requesting Space

    • A completed Lexington Facility Usage Request Form must be completed online at Lexington’s website ( Click here for the link to the Google form. In person, e-mail, or phone requests cannot be processed.
    • The request should be completed fourteen business days before the first requested date. A reply will be provided within five business days.
    • Lexington will send a facility waiver and facility usage agreement to the requesting organization. The requesting organization must sign and return, via e-mail, a completed facility waiver and facility usage agreement. (See the FORMS tab for samples).
    • Organizations must provide Lexington with a copy of their certificate of insurance, with a minimum of $750,000/occurrence, including damage to premises and personal injury, general commercial liability and $1,000,000/occurrence of umbrella liability, prior to using the facility. Insurance coverage must be in effect for all dates for which use of Lexington facilities is requested. The certificate of insurance must name Lexington as an additional insured using the following language:  Lexington School for the Deaf, 25-26 75th Street, East Elmhurst, NY  11370  
    • Payments are due at the end of each month. For one-time rentals, a minimum 50% payment is required prior to use of the facility. The remainder is due on the date of the event.
    • Lexington cannot provide equipment or space that is not included on the original request form. If you require access to WiFi, this must be included on the request form. 
    • Lexington’s use of its facilities for school events supersedes the use by any outside groups. In the event we need to cancel, an alternate date will be offered.
    • Any questions should be directed to Lexington’s Community Relations Office, 718-350-3026 or e-mail:
  • Forms

    Click on the name of each form to see samples of the facility rental agreements.

    Facility Approval Form
    Facility Waiver Form
    COVID Waiver Form
  • Rental Fees

    Facility Usage Rates: 
    Non-profit organizations
    For-profit organizations
    Gym, field, cafeteria (weekdays)
    Gym, field, cafeteria (weekends)
    Auditorium (weekdays)
    $500/hr (4 hour minimum)
    $1000/hr (4 hour minimum
    Auditorium (weekends)
    $750/hr (4 hour minimum)
    $1500/hr (4 hour minimum)
    Podium (auditorium)
    No charge
    No charge
    Microphone/portable speaker
    Electronic scoreboard/buzzer
    IT Staff (weekdays & weekends)
    Payments are due at the end of each month. For one-time rentals, a minimum 50% payment is required prior to use of the facility. The remainder is due on the date of the event.
    Weekday hours: between 6 pm and 9 pm.
    Weekend hours: between 8 am and 6 pm.
    Use of the facility is not available during holidays and weeks when the school is closed.
    Use of gym and field includes bathrooms and locker rooms.
    Use of auditorium includes auditorium lobby and bathrooms.
    Use of cafeteria includes basement bathrooms.
    No cooking or flames/fires of any kind are allowed on premises. Food and beverages, other than water, are not allowed in the auditorium.
    Use of IT staff is determined based upon equipment requested.
  • Description of Spaces

    Lexington's auditorium, gym, athletic field, and cafeteria are available for rental to local organizations. Read more to see a list of spaces.
    Read More
  • COVID Safety Precautions

    Soccer Fields
    Entrance to the soccer fields will be through the teachers’ parking lot, located on 25th Avenue between 75th and 73rd Streets.  Lexington security guards will open and close the gate to the parking lot at the beginning and end of each session. Attendees may use the bathrooms in the basement locker rooms if needed. Any children entering the building must be accompanied by an adult. Mask wearing in the building is currently optional, but may change depending on local COVID incidence rates. Security guards will indicate if masks are needed in the building.
    Entrance to the gym will be through the 75th Street entrance closest to 25th Avenue. Visitors are not to mingle in the building, but go directly to the gym once they have been cleared by security. This includes the bathrooms, front lobby and gym lobby.  Unrelated parties are to keep six feet of distance at all times while inside the building, including seating in the gym. Frequent hand washing or hand sanitizing is encouraged.
    All coaches, participants and bystanders must utilize the walk-through temperature scanner. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0 ◦F or greater will be denied entry into the facility.  
    Every visitor must complete the Lexington COVID-19 screening form.  Parents must complete the form for minors under 18 years of age. Parents and children must complete separate forms. The online form can be completed on a smart phone and then shown to the security guard upon entry. Any “yes” answer on the form precludes the visitor from using the facility.
    Online form:  Paper copies are also available from the security guard.
    Entrance to the auditorium will be through the 75th Street entrance closest to 25th Avenue. Visitors are not to mingle in the building, but go directly to the auditorium lobby/auditorium once they have been cleared by security. All visitors must utilize the walk-through temperature scanner. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0 ◦F or greater will be denied entry into the facility.  
    Every visitor must complete the Lexington COVID-19 screening form.  Parents must complete the form for minors under 18 years of age. Parents and children must complete separate forms. The online form can be completed on a smart phone and then shown to the security guard upon entry. Any “yes” answer on the form precludes the visitor from using the facility.
    Online form:  Paper copies are also available from the security guard.
    Same precautions as listed under auditorium. Depending on the time of day, visitors will be instructed to use either the main (closest to 25th St.) or student (closest to 30th St.) entrance off 75th Street.


Questions regarding facility rentals should be directed to:


Phone: 718-350-3026
Lexington School for the Deaf
Attn: Community Relations

25-26 75th Street
East Elmhurst, NY  11370
© 2019 Lexington School for the Deaf. All Rights Reserved