
Lexington School for the Deaf is a state-supported 4201 school. Students attend the school for free with tuition paid by their local school district. Admission is based on a severe or profound hearing loss and must be approved by the New York State Education Department (SED). Students must reside in one of the five New York City Boroughs or Nassau County, New York.

Our Pupil Personnel Services department will guide you through the application process and help with submission of the PHC-10 form to the State Education Department. Once the student has been approved by SED, Lexington will conduct a full intake evaluation, which consists of, but is not limited to:
  • Social history
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Educational evaluation
  • Medical evaluation
  • Audiological evaluation
  • Speech, OT or PT evaluations, if necessary.
Once these evaluations are complete, we will determine if we have an appropriate class for your child. If we do, we will hold a meeting with you to place your child in our school. This meeting will include a representative from the Committee on Preschool Special Education, or the Committee on Special Education, from your home school district.

Contact Us

To begin the application process, please contact:

Laura Cruz
Director, Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)
Phone:  718-350-3250

Eric Peeks
Associate Director, Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)
Videophone: 917-832-1677