
Middle School

Lexington’s middle school program builds on the academic and communication skills taught in elementary school, while at the same time preparing students for the more rigorous high school curriculum.

List of 9 items.

  • Middle School Overview

    The Middle School comprises grades 6, 7 and 8. Students are organized into teams, with two or three classrooms on a team. Classrooms use spoken language, speech-reading and/or sign language, based on the students’ needs. All classrooms have FM amplification systems.

    The school day is from 8:00 a.m. until  3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 8:00 am to 2:35 pm on Friday,  September through June. There is a six-week, full-day summer school program in July and August.
    • Each classroom is staffed by a certified Master’s level teacher and assistant
    • Small class size with 6 to 8 students per class
    • Free bus transportation
    • Breakfast and lunch provided
    • Tuition-free (funding is provided by the student’s home school district)
    • On-site school nurse
  • Assessments

    Annual assessments for middle school students include Fountas & Pinnell (literacy), NWEA (math & ELA), and SAT (Stanford Achievement Test). Students also take mandated New York State Pupil Performance Tests in Language Arts (grades 6-8), Mathematics (grades 6-8) and Science (grade 8).
  • Curriculum

    The curriculum follows the New York State Department of Education standards. Subjects include:
    • Language arts (reading, writing, communication)
    • Mathematics
    • Science (one year each of life, earth & physical science)
    • Social studies (two years of American History/Civics, one year of World Studies)
    • Health
    • Technology
    • Home/career studies
  • Extracurricular Activities

    Middle school students are given the opportunity to participate in the following extracurricular activites:

    -  Middle School Basketball Team (coed)
    -  Student Council
  • Family Resources

    Learning is a collaborative effort between the teacher, the child and the family. Lexington offers a number of resources to help parents support their child’s development.
  • School Handbook

  • Special Celebrations

    Lexington holds special celebrations throughout the year to enhance the academic curriculum. Celebrations include:

    -  Deaf Awareness Week (DAW)
    -  Book Fair
    -  Multicultural Celebration
    -  Holiday Craft & Bake Sale
    -  Carnival, Play or Service Activity
    -  Spirit Days
  • Special Services and Classes

    The middle school program is enriched by the following special services and classes:
  • Thinking Maps

    Each classroom utilizes a research-based approach, Thinking Maps, to support learning. Thinking Maps are visual patterns linked to eight specific thought processes. By visualizing their thinking, students create concrete images that support critical and creative thinking. Thinking Maps are used throughout the entire Middle School curriculum.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the Middle School Program, please contact:

Catrina Zowak

Lower School Principal
Voice: 718-350-3244
Videophone: 917-477-3656