Support Services

School Mental Health Team

The Mental Health Services team provides individual counseling, therapeutic groups and support services to help students SOAR as members of the Lexington School community.

Counseling & Other Services

Types of support provided by the Mental Health Services team include:
  • Individual counseling for students 3-21 years-old as mandated on the
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Psycho-educational and therapeutic groups
  • Advocacy and referrals to entitlement services for students and families
  • Family counseling (on an as-needed-basis)
  • Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
  • Consultation with teaching staff
  • Collaboration with students, families, school staff and mental health professionals to identify problems which affect the child’s functioning
At Lexington, we help students learn and practice positive behaviors that support academic, emotional and social growth. We focus on positive expectations and interactions and provide a school climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. We do this through a program known as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports or PBIS.

The PBIS team consists of mental health counselors and behavioral specialists who work closely with students, teachers and support staff. The team focuses on school- wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors. PBIS includes both classroom and non- classroom settings, such as hallways, the cafeteria and buses.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the Mental Health Services team, please contact:

Carlos Aponte-Salcedo, Jr.

Director, Student & Family Engagement
Voice & Videophone: 917-832-1681
Fax: 718-899-9846