
Health Services

Lexington’s Health Services department helps to maintain a healthy school environment for all students. Health Services provides intake medical evaluations, annual physical exams, first aid and sick visits, health education, medication administration, medical liaison and vision screenings. They also ensure compliance with all city and state health regulations for school students.

Parents are urged to keep the Health Services department informed of any changes in their child’s health, including allergies to medications or food, immunization updates, restrictions in activity level, or change in medication or medical diagnosis. Health Services should be informed of any changes in emergency contact information, telephone numbers or address.

List of 14 items.

  • Illness Policy (Students should stay home if they have any of the following contagious conditions.)

    Contageous Condition
    It is suggested that your child:
    Stay home until they are without fever for 24 hours without Tylenol
    Stay home until their stool returns to normal.
    Stay home until they can eat and drink normally.
    Fresh Colds
    Stay home while the mucus is infectious (green color).
    Pink Eye
    Stay home until the doctor gives the “OK” to return to school.
    Persistent Cough
    Stay home until the doctor gives the “OK” to return to school.
    Stay home until the doctor gives the “OK” to return to school.

    For more information on when to keep a child home from school, click here: (When to Keep a Child Home with Illness.pdf)

    Students who miss more than three days of school due to an illness need a doctor’s note to return to school.
  • Fall & Winter Student Illnesses

    The Lexington School for the Deaf's Health Services Office is dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of all students. The goal is to provide necessary monitoring, assessment, and intervention as to maintain a healthy environment for all students.

    In the weeks leading up to the Winter break, there have been increased numbers of children coming to school with diarrhea, vomiting, and a temperature of 100 degrees or more. These are considered contagious and do lead to the spread of more illnesses. Additionally, your children, when ill, are not at their best for learning. They need to be evaluated by their primary care providers, given treatment, and remain at home until they are recovered. This means they need to be fever-free at least 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, or Ibuprofen. This also means they need not to have diarrhea or be experiencing vomiting within the 24-hour period before returning to school.

    Let us continue to strive to make Lexington a healthy place to learn and a place where your children can succeed. 

    Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns at 718-350-3280 (voice), 347-846-2034 (VP), and/or cizsak@lexnyc.org.
    Carolyn Izsak, MS RN
    Nurse Coordinator
  • Flu Shots

    It is recommended that all students receive an annual flu vaccination. For more information about the flu, click here for English or Spanish.

    As of December 2018, all children, 6 months through 59 months, enrolled in a New York City school-based pre-kindergarten program, must receive the influenza (flu) vaccine. This dose must be received between July 1 st and December 31 st of the current school year. Students will be excluded from school after January 1 st until they receive this vaccination.
  • Immunizations

    New York State and New York City set immunization requirements for students in day care through grade 12. As of June 13, 2019, there are no immunization waivers for religious reasons. Click here for the most recent immunization requirements for NYC schools.
    • Lexington’s Health Office reviews all students’ immunization records to ensure compliance with state and local laws. The Health Office does not provide immunizations.
    • The Health Office will review records to document that new students have all required vaccines prior to enrolling in Lexington School.
    • The Health Office maintains immunization records for each student. Records are reviewed annually for compliance with age-recommended immunization schedules. Parents will be contacted by telephone or letter if additional immunizations are required.
    • Students entering 7 th , 8 th , 9 th , 10 th and 12 th grades must have the meningococcal vaccine. Click here for more information about this vaccine – English or Spanish
  • Medication Administration

    Students who are on chronic medications (such as insulin, seizure medication, asthma treatment, etc.) can have the medication given during the school day if the following procedures are followed.
    • Students who need medication during the school day must submit an Authorization for Medication Form to the Health Office. This form must be completed by the parent (Part A) and the family doctor (Part B). The health office also needs a copy of the prescription for the medicine.
    • Medicine must be in the original container with the original pharmacy label. Parents/guardians must give medicines directly to the school nurse. Students are not allowed to carry the medicine to school. One week before the medicine runs out, the Health Office will notify the family.
    • The nurse is not permitted to give any medicines without the completed paperwork or without the proper container and label.
    • Any changes in medications, such as dose or time, require an order (faxed, e-mailed or written) directly from the student’s physician. Changes should be communicated to the nurse as soon as they occur. Any signs of side effects from medicines will be communicated to the family and the ordering physician.
    • If a student has a field trip during the school day, their medication may be given to the teacher if the student is “self-directed.” Self-directed means the student knows when to take the medicine, why they take the medicine, potential side effects of the medicine and can give the medicine to him/herself.
    • When possible, students will be given their medicines prior to or on return from the class trip. Students are not allowed to carry the medicine themselves. Teachers and Instructional Assistants are allowed to supervise students who are self-directed. Teachers and Instructional Assistants are not allowed to give medicine to students who are not self-directed.
  • Intake Medical Evaluations

    Students applying for admission must have a full history and physical performed by the Health Services nurse and medical director. The evaluation will include an assessment of conditions that relate to school activity participation. These include: health stability, medical concerns related to the cause of deafness, other medical conditions, vision screening, and immunization and tuberculosis status.
  • Annual Physical Exams

    All students are offered yearly screening physical exams, including vision screen, evaluation of growth and development, body mass index (BMI), immunization review and overall general health. Parents/guardians will be notified of any concerns or updates that need to be followed by the student’s primary care doctor.
  • Sick Visits and First Aid

    The school nurse and doctor are available for any health concerns that may arise during the school day, such as fever, physical complaints (such as ear aches, sore throats, wheezing), and injuries. Students will be assessed for the ability to remain in school or if additional assessment and treatment is required. Parents/guardians will be notified by phone or in writing regarding the nature of the visit and if any follow-up or doctor’s note is needed.
  • Health Education

    Individual health education is offered to students with concerns related to various health issues, such as nutrition, adolescent health, hygiene, safety, etc.
  • Medical Liaison

    The Health Services department is an important part of the student’s “health team.” To help insure the health of all students, the medical director and nurse will be available to coordinate care with the students’ primary care providers and specialists. With the consent of the parent or guardian, Health Services can help arrange evaluations or assist in management by the student’s primary care doctor or specialist as needed.
  • Vision Screenings

    All students are provided with a yearly vision screening. Students with significant vision concerns (such as Usher Syndrome, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, glaucoma, etc.) will be referred to an ophthalmologist and care will be coordinated with the Health Services team.
  • Rehabilitation Medicine

    Students receiving physical or occupational therapy for school-related function may also be evaluated by the pediatric rehabilitation medicine specialist.
  • Interscholastic Sports Participation

    Students who participate in interscholastic sports are required to have an “Interscholastic Sports Assessment.” The form should be completed by the student’s primary care doctor. Lexington’s medical director can also provide the sports assessment within the month it is due.

    Click here for the Interval Health History Form for Athletics (English)

    Click here for the Interval Health History Form for Athletics (Spanish)

    Sports are classified as: contact/collision, limited contact and non-contact). The Sports Assessment focuses on orthopedic/musculoskeletal and cardiac evaluations, as well as vision, height, weight, blood pressure, sexual maturity rating, prior injuries and any chronic health concerns. Based on New York State laws, the Sports Assessment is valid for 12 months from the last day of the month that the physical was performed.
  • Concussion Information

    In the event of a suspected concussion, Lexington follows the concussion protocol developed by the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Heads Up program. Students with a suspected concussion are required to be evaluated by a doctor. Students need a letter that specifies the date of return to school and specific instructions before they can return to normal activities. All concussions must be cleared by the family doctor and the school doctor.

    Parent Concussion Fact Sheet (Youth & Teens)Return to School Concussion Form (to be completed by family doctor)

Additional Information

For additional information regarding Health Services, please contact:

Ma Kathryn Manlangit, BSN, MS

Nurse Coordinator
Health Services
Voice: 718-350-3280
Fax:     718-350-3278
E-mail: mmanlangit@lexnyc.org

The Health Services Team

Eric C. Weiselberg, MD, is the Medical Director of the Lexington School for the Deaf and has been serving the students of Lexington since 1989. He is board certified in pediatrics and pediatric/adolescent medicine. He is an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York and director of Deaf Health Services at Northwell Health.

Ma Kathryn Manlangit, BSN, MS, is the Nurse Coordinator of Health Services.
© 2019 Lexington School for the Deaf. All Rights Reserved