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Dorm Program

April 1 Message from Russell O. West

Update from Lexington CEO/Superintendent Russell O. West
Good afternoon, Lexington Family:
Happy April!
Together, we are truly navigating through uncharted waters with the COVID-19 situation and the accompanying distance learning and tele-services for our students, clients and patients. Considering all the barriers and challenges we have faced in the past two weeks, we are doing an amazing job. Granted, it has been a messy process, but each and everyone of you have risen to the occasion and stepped up in the name of LEXINGTON. Truly, this CANNOT be done without YOU!
From the bottom of my heart, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!
Administrative Council Members and I continue to meet daily to review and assess factual information and guidance from several governmental entities. In addition, we are finalizing what it is called a, “Continuity of Instruction” plan for the School. This important document will be shared with you and families. It will also be posted on the school website. After that, we will begin developing another plan – the Recovery Plan. This plan will ensure a smooth and thorough transition to the re-opening of the Lexington building. To be clear, we do not have a timetable for the reopening of the building as the COVID-19 situation continues to rapidly evolve.
I continue to wait for additional information and guidance regarding Spring Break. It is still premature, at this point, to make a decision as all of the 4201 Schools continue to receive conflicting information. It is my hope that we will get clear guidance by next week. I know this is not what you would like to hear, but it is imperative that I have factual information and guidance necessary to make a well-informed decision; otherwise Lexington may be subject to suffer significant financial consequences.
As previously mentioned, I recognize the anxiety and emotional strain that these circumstances have placed on all of us. Please keep in mind that Lexington’s plan offers comprehensive coverages for both physical and mental health care. We also support and encourage self-care during these stressful times. Remember that sleep and exercise promote immune system capacity.
Before I close this, let me reiterate that we are in this together and that is what makes us, collectively, stronger. It is imperative that we take care of each other and rely on factual information during this everchanging and trying time. Although we may not physically be together, know that we can be even stronger by relying on each other. Check in with each other, support one another and rest assured we will get through this together. Above all, please stay healthy and safe.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
 Russell O. West