About Us
Lexington Alumni Association, Inc. (LAA)

Contact Form

The Lexington Alumni Association, Inc., (LAA) is an organization of proud graduates and former students of the Lexington School for the Deaf. The LAA heard feedback from the alumni during the Golden Building Anniversary. The majority voted to get rid of the membership dues. Once a person graduates from Lexington or attended as a student, that person is an Alumni and automatically a member. Dues are no longer required to vote and participate in meetings. The "Membership Form" has been changed to a "Contact Form." 

Click here to download a paper copy of the new Contact Form

Explanation of changes to contact form
Active membership shall be open to any deaf person who has graduated from or attended the Lexington School for the Deaf for at least one full school year.  The $10 dues will be optional and considered as a donation. 

The Lexington Alumni Association, Inc. is always in need of volunteers for events and functions at Lexington School for the Deaf. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us. We encourage you to join and be a part of the Lexington Alumni Association!
© 2019 Lexington School for the Deaf. All Rights Reserved