Family Liaison

Drama Club Featured On NY1

NY1 News has released a feature story on the Drama Club’s production of Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. The story can be viewed at the below link.  
Jared Lopatin (director) and Kariana Delgado (narrator/Potiphar’s wife) were featured in a live broadcast interview with NY1 reporters on December 21st.  What a great recognition for Lexington, our Drama Club, and for the hard work that students and staff put into making this year’s production such a success! Special recognition goes to Access Broadway (Maria Porto, Kenneth Bigsby, and Shane Dittmar) for dedicating many volunteer hours to providing captioning and audio descriptions for the show. 

We would like to thank everyone who supported the show, with special recognition to the individuals and companies who sponsored or donated to the production:
-   Access Broadway (accessbroadwayny.com)
-   Flamingo Interpreting   (flamingointerpreting.com)
-   Sign Language Resources (slrconnect.com)
-   SignTalk (signtalk.org)
-   Broadway Signs (signmation.com)
-   Russell S. Rosen, Ph.D.
-   Phil & Judith Bravin
-   Linda Schlesinger
-   Sara Basson
-   Onudeah Nicolarakis